A public consultation into a new “once-in-a-generation" reservoir proposed for the Fens closes soon.  

Water companies Anglian Water and Cambridge Water are collaborating on the project that could supply enough water for 250,000 homes.  

The reservoir would be located near Chatteris, Doddington and Wimblington.

Members of the public now have until August 9, 2024 to provide feedback on the proposals.  

This latest round of consultation includes an emerging for design for the reservoir.

It also features proposals on how it will be filled, how water will be treated, and how it will be transferred to homes and businesses.  

This includes a combination of channels, pipelines and different types of equipment to ensure safe drinking water is on tap when needed.    

Those running the consultation also say the proposals have incorporated feedback from the project’s first phase of consultation.     

Members of the public can comment on the reservoir’s design and provide ideas for recreation facilities and wildlife.  

It has been said there is even potential for watersports to be on offer.  

Geoff Darch, Head of Supply and Demand at Anglian Water, said: “This project is a significant investment in England’s water infrastructure and a once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver lasting benefits for people, place and the environment, while crucially keeping taps running.     

“Local communities and other stakeholders have an important role to play in helping to inform how the project is developed so it best serves the needs of the local area and wider region, now and long into the future.     

“This consultation is the opportunity for people to provide feedback on the features they would like to see included in the reservoir and what impacts our proposals could have so we can assess ways to manage them.     

“We’d like to thank members of local communities who have already attended events and provided their feedback in recent weeks – this engagement is incredibly valuable to the further development of our proposals.  

“We’d encourage everyone who’d like to have their say to give their feedback by August 9.”     

Met Office weather projections show the East of England will become hotter and drier in the summer, and wetter in the winter. 

This means there is a pressing need to store winter water to cope with summer droughts – and the reservoir project will help secure water supply for the future.  

Tom Fewster, Cambridge Water’s Asset Management and Investment Delivery Director, said: "The Fens Reservoir project brings so many benefits for the local community, the wider region and beyond.  

“Its unique and ambitious design will inspire visitors, and the reservoir itself will be pivotal in the environmental and economic success of the region for generations to come.  

“At this stage, we would like to encourage customers and interested parties to attend the consultation events to see this exciting project for themselves and get involved from the start.” 

Details of how to provide feedback, and further information about the project are on Anglian Water’s website at www.fensreservoir.co.uk