More than 100 residents attended their local fire station to celebrate its 60th anniversary.

The on-call crew at March Fire Station opened the station on Thursday July 25 to the local community to mark 60 years since the station moved to its current location.

They celebrated by showing off their skills with a rescue from the drill tower, along with a road traffic collision demonstration.

Before the drill began, the crowd was treated to seeing the crew respond to an emergency after being called to an unattended bonfire.

(Image: March Fire Station)

This was after both fire engines attended a garage fire about an hour before the event, but they just about made it back in time.

The crowd was able to take a tour of the training building and meet the firefighters and find out more about their role after they saw them in action.

Many took the opportunity to sit in the fire engine and look at the range of firefighting equipment.

(Image: March Fire Station)

The event was supported by Ace Communications, who provided the PA system, along with Ray’s Ice Creams and Cole’s Kitchen.

Following the success of this open drill night celebration and the support of everyone that came along, the crew is planning to hold further events in the future.

Follow them on Facebook to stay updated with the plans: