Residents of a Fenland town could see a new housing development built on their doorstep according to plans. 

An application submitted to Fenland District Council seeks planning permission for 14 homes on Doddington Road in Chatteris. 

Plans also seek to create a new access route and demolish the existing dwelling and storage building on the site. 

Outline planning permission was previously granted for nine home in 2021 but the application was withdrawn in October 2023.

The latest application proposes the development of eight three bedroom semi-detached properties, four two-bedroom, and two three-bedroom homes. 

A design and access statement submitted on behalf of Howard Renovations Ltd states: "The proposed development for 14 dwellings in 2- and 3-bedroom format will be of a good architectural quality and has been carefully thought out to provide a quality development that will enhance the character of the immediate area whilst respecting the existing dwellings and residents.

"The proposed development will be sympathetic to the existing scale and character and additional landscaping will be used to enhance the appearance of the proposal. 

"The proposed development will make efficient use of the land available whilst respecting the context and will contribute positively to the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of the local area."

The application, which is currently pending consideration, has drawn criticism from residents. 

A number of locals expressed concern that the development will "block out light" from their gardens, while others said they were worried about the creation of a new access route. 

Commenting publicly on the application, a resident said: "In and out, access to the entrance of Doddington Road will become obstructed and there is a considerable risk of accidents.

"The GP Practices operating within the vicinity of the application: George Clare Surgery, does not have the capacity to take on additional patients."

However, a number of residents expressed support for the proposed development, citing the two bedroom properties as "perfect for first time buyers". 

One local added: "This development will assist the town of Chatteris by providing much needed rental accommodation for the community."