A Fenland slimmer who lost five stone in weight has been named 'woman of the year' at her local group. 

Rosemary Marchant from Benwick started at Wimblington Slimming World in January 2023 after being advised by her doctor to lose weight. 

Given a 12-week free referral, she felt nervous but said: "I was made very welcome." 

Rosemary chose not to set a target weight as she felt happier aiming for half-a-stone weight loss at a time.

As the weight went down she became healthier and found she could do more. 

Despite a health-related setback last September, Rosemary decided to set her own target weight of losing five stone. 

Having achieved that goal earlier this year, she said: "I feel good in my body and it is such a joy fitting into smaller sized clothing."

She is also now able to enjoy playing with her great grandchildren, taking longer walks and tending to her garden.

Rosemary, whose husband and daughter have since joined Slimming World too, said: "I am now a very happy and content 76-year-old; much healthier, more confident and slimmer than I have ever been in my life.

"It was a very nervous start for me but I am so pleased I walked through the door and met Dawn and all my lovely friends."

The Wimblington Group meets on a Monday at Wimblington Parish Hall in Addison Road at 9.30am and 11am.

New members are welcome. Call Dawn Breacher on 07515557803.

(Image: Slimming World)