A new wave of free and low-cost exercise initiatives for families and individuals has been launched in Fenland.

Fenland District Council's Active Fenland is rolling out several wellness programmes from the successful 'couch to 5k' running courses to kickboxing classes for adults, aiming to cater for all abilities.

Two adult groups, who successfully completed the previous 'couch to 5k' programme, received certificates and many of them have moved onto participating in free Saturday 5k parkruns in the district.

Active Fenland applauds their progress and is keen to see more locals join the programmes.

Join the new wave of free fitness programmes in Fenland Join the new wave of free fitness programmes in Fenland (Image: Submitted)

The council's leisure portfolio holder, Cllr Alex Miscandlon, praised these developments.

He said: "It's wonderful to see those people who have completed a couch to 5k programme with us now progressing on to parkruns.

"This is exactly what Active Fenland is about - helping people who aren't regularly active to become so to support the long-term wellbeing of our communities, which has personal and economic benefits for everyone."

Free and low-cost exercise and wellbeing for individuals and families Free and low-cost exercise and wellbeing for individuals and families (Image: Submitted)

These initiatives are set to expand in September to include kickboxing classes for wellbeing and fun dance and stretching classes.

Family-oriented programmes will carry on through the summer holidays, offering free family running and yoga sessions and 'Marvellous Movers Family Sport Activities'.

Active Fenland is also encouraging more participation in its Wisbech walking football sessions.

Couch to 5k 'graduates' in Wisbech Couch to 5k 'graduates' in Wisbech (Image: Submitted)

The scheme offers a wide range of activities from multi-sport fun sessions to classes specifically designed for people with dementia, aiming to be an inclusive programme for everyone regardless of their age or ability.

Funded by Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS) and Cambridgeshire County Council, Active Fenland's mission is to provide opportunities for people to lead more active lives, especially where they may face additional barriers.

For full details of all sessions and to sign up, visit: fenland.gov.uk/article/18123.