An acclaimed German men's ensemble is set to impress at a forthcoming summer concert in Cambridge.

Bringing together a diverse range of music including pieces from the Renaissance era up to the present day, the ensemble will perform expertise originally harnessed in the Niederaltaich boys' choir.

Directors Sebastian Ferenz, Lukas Petraska and Simon Zißler will lead the talented group, whose ages span from 15 to 35 years.

Notable works by composers such as Josquin Desprez, Thomas Tallis, and Franz Schubert will feature alongside pieces made famous by the King's Singers.

Free concert by renowned German group set to captivate locals Free concert by renowned German group set to captivate locals (Image: Submitted)

The upcoming concert, scheduled for 5pm on September 7, promises audiences a unique combining of youthful vigour with a depth of musical skill.

This rare opportunity located in Cambridge's Great St Mary's, will offer culture enthusiasts a taste of ensemble brilliance.

Admission requires no fee, however donations are warmly welcomed.

This summer concert will mark a key highlight within the group's tour and with such a rich blend of voices on offer, it is an occasion expected to leave a lasting impression.